プノンペン Phnom Penh


Phnom Penh is the capital of Cambodia, however the security is not so good compared to Angkor. Even so, there are many important and interesting places such as Royal Palace, National Museum, Wat Phnom, Tuol Sleng. If possible, it's better to drop in Phnom Penh.


Royal Palace. The current building was built in 1919. We can see Throne hall and other monuments.

In Royal Palace, there is Western style strange looking house. This is a present from the wife of Napoleon 3. We can go inside the house.

Silver Pagota was built next to the Royal Palace. In Silver Pagota, we can see a lot of treasures. In front of ( actually back side ) Silver Pagota, there is a model of Angkor Wat.

Tonle Sap River. Also Simha is looking at the peaceful river. We can go to Angkor through this river.
National Musium. Photo taking is prohibited, but we can see a lot of Jewel of Khmer Art. Many originals are exhibited here ( There are many replicas in Angkor ).

Central market. Let's go inside anyway.
The bridge which is the symbol of friendship between Cambodia and Japan. It became famous in Japan because the story was broadcasted in the program " Project X ". We can see many cotribution by Japan in Cambodia.

Independence Tower. Cambodia became independent from France in 1953 and this tower was built in 1958.
Toul Sleng. This museum tells us how cruel Khmer Rouge was. We can also know it from the movie " Killing Field ". I heard that the famous Cambodian map made of skulls has been removed.

Wat Phnom. The oldest tremple ( 1372 ) in Phnom Penh and is said the name comes from Ms. Penh who built this temple and name of Phnom Penh comes from her name.