バンテアイ・スレイ Banteay Srei


This may be the most beautiful one which exists about 30km north-east of Angkor. In the early 2001, it was tough to reach this temple because the road was so bad. However in 2003 it becomes much easier because now it's paved by support of Japanese government. We can go there within an hour. Banteay Srei was built in the 10th century, but it keeps very beautiful shape so called "jewel in Khmer art", and its relief includes extremly beutiful Devatas and interesting and delicate relif which is related to Ramayana Story. When I visited in 2003, it was prohibitted to look at these relief closely by the security reason.


The approach to Banteay Srei. There are linga, a symbol of Shiva on both side. Banteay Srei means " The citadel of woman".

Banteay Srei. It is rather small and calm. It's made of pink sandstone.

Central shrine of Banteay Srei.

Yaksha guardian figure.

Lion of Khmer whose both legs are coming out from mouths of Makara.

Elephants are pouring sacred water to Laksumi ( wife of Vishnu).

Ravana shaking Kailasa Mountain in order to disturb the meditating Shiva and his spouse Uma.

Vishnu in his incarnation as a nara simha holds the king of the asuras.

Indra rides on Airavata three-headed elephant.

The famous Devata which is really "jewel in Khmer Art". In 2003, we cannot closely see like this.