クバル・スピアン Kbal Spean


This is a ruin which exists in the north of Banteay Srei and at the source of Siem Reap river. To reach there we need to climb a small mountain for about 40 minutes and we can also enjoy some kind of feeling like a jungle exploration. At Kbal Spean, there are a lot of sculptures related to Hinduism everywhere including at the bottom of the river. There is a small waterfall, and local people enjoy a picnic. The road from Bantey Srei is not paved yet ( in summer 2003 ) and in the rainy season it may be a bit tough to reach here.

2 relief of Vishnu and his wife Laksmi depicted on a lotus on the left side. Shiva on Nandi ( sacred white bull ) on the right side. Around them, there are uncountable Linga which is symbol of Shiva and his role in creation.
Relief of Vishnu and Laksumi. The part of Vishnu was stolen on 14th February 2003. It was a terrible incident and reported in the TIME magazine. We can see the relief only in the book now.

Brahma ( "Boneten" in Japanese ). He is known as a creater and easily identified because of his 4 faces and 4 hands. Brahma was not so popular as Vishnu and Shiva in Cambodia.

This may be Yoni and Linga, however this is far different from the original shape. It is about 2 meters in diameter and so flat.

This may be Yoni and Linga. This is extremely abstruct. This can also be said it's the newest design.
This is a bath which might be used by the king to cure a disease. The water from Mt. Kulen was believed as a sacred water. There are a lot of Linga around the bath. We can look down the beutiful scenery of jungles from the bath.
It may be Ganesa ( the sun of Shiva and has an elphant head ) on the right and Hermit on the left. There are a lot of relief on the common rock and they are easily looked over.
Frog is sitting casually by the river. I don't know the religious meaning of this, however this frog makes me recall the movie " Sprited Away". If the director Mr. Miyazaki visits here, it's sure he should make another masterpiece.

A small fall. It's just about 5 meter high. In the peak of rainy season, the all cliff becomes a fall. Mysterious and colourful baterflies are flying, and it is suerely the world of illusion.

This ruins are completely surrounded by jungle. There are many plants which have vines. We did saw this kind of scene on TV in childhood. There should have been some monsters in the jungle.